Christ Holds You In The Storm


Last Thursday I had an appointment in town. The sky was cloudy and the wind had picked up when I left my house that afternoon so I remembered to bring my umbrella thinking it might rain. I don’t usually listen to the radio or check the weather forecasts so I had no idea what kind of storms were brewing in the area.
I asked God to watch over me and to protect my little dog while I was gone and to please keep any lightning or thunder away till I could get back home since Miss Phee, my little Yorkie, is so scared of storms.

The wind gusts grew stronger as I drove down the highway into town.
Ominous clouds gathered overhead but still I did not think I had anything to worry about.
And the sky didn’t seem too threatening and there was no rain, no thunder or lightning.

My head hurt dreadfully, but it always hurt whenever a storm came remotely near. I went to my appointment and just as it was time to leave, the employee got a strange expression on her face and ran out to the lobby. When I went to pay my bill she looked at me with that same odd expression. She seemed very worried. “You be careful going home, you hear..I’m gonna call and make sure you make it home safely..”
The receptionist glanced outside nervously and said the same thing to me. I wondered why they were fretting so much. Then I looked out the window.
The sky was dark and heavy with the most ominous looking clouds I have ever seen. The wind was raging. Someone mentioned that there had been terrible tornado like storms already passing through one of our neighboring towns.
I paid my bill and said, “I’ll be okay, I will pray my way home.”
The receptionist laughed nervously.
I looked out the window. It never occurred to me before I stepped out the door of the building that day that a storm could harm me.

I went to open the door to leave but the wind was so fierce I could barely get it to open.
Although my vehicle was only about 15 feet away, the wind threatened to knock me off my feet and blow me away. I prayed all the way to my car–it was as if I was in a battle with a force that was determined to destroy me.
When I finally got to my car and managed somehow to get the door open despite the gale fighting against me, suddenly I was thrown up into my SUV and the door slammed shut after me and all 4 doors automatically locked on their own! This was amazing since the battery for the remote for my keys has been dead for over a year now.
Then my vehicle started rocking back and forth by the force of the wind as if it was going to turn over.
I was terrified!

No one was in sight. Everyone else had been smart enough to stay inside the building.
So I did the only thing I could do– I cried out to Jesus to stop the wind just as He did on the Sea of Galilee for His terrified disciples 2000 years ago. I cried, “Jesus, Your word says You are the same yesterday, today, and forever! I told those people in there I was going to trust You to get me home safely! Please show them You are going to do just that! GOD, Don’t let this wind destroy me in this car! Please calm this wind to a whisper in the mighty name of Jesus, at whose name ALL THINGS MUST BOW, even the wind!!!”

I was so glad no one could see me yelling and praying for my life because I am sure I must have looked like~~who knows what!!! ~ but it does not matter.
God HEARD my prayer! That awful wind DID obey the Lord’s name; Jesus calmed that mighty wind to a whisper. Suddenly my car stopped rocking, and His Spirit calmed me down.
I glanced around and saw people slowly coming out of their  hiding places. I could not stop thanking the Lord for His faithfulness as I prayed my way home. The Lord kept me safe though it was still raining cats and dogs. Our house never lost power and not one tree lost a limb. God kept kept His word to me.

According to News reports our area suffered from something called a Derecho Storm System last week. We had sustained winds of up to 70  mph. Our area and surrounding counties suffered extensive damage with 10,000 homes in the NRV alone without power. On Sunday when I wrote this, some people were still without electricity due to those fierce storms.

We serve a mighty, LIVING God.  God’s word says that at the name of Jesus Christ all things must bow, in heaven, on earth, and under the earth. I saw living proof of that last week when The Lord calmed the mighty wind to a whisper before my eyes and kept me safe in the storm.
God never promises we won’t experience storms in our life. Nor does He promise that we won’t sometimes have to experience suffering as a result of those storms.
But if we will have faith and trust in Him, His word assures us that He will be with us in every storm and guide us safely home.

Romans 8:35-36, 37, 38-39
“Can anything ever separate us from Christ’s love? Does it mean he no longer loves us if we have trouble or calamity, or are persecuted, or hungry, or destitute, or in danger, or threatened with death? As the Scriptures say, “For your sake we are killed every day; we are being slaughtered like sheep.”
No, despite all these things, overwhelming victory is ours through Christ, who loved us.
And I am convinced that nothing can ever separate us from God’s love.
Neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither our fears for today nor our worries about tomorrow—not even the powers of hell can separate us from God’s love. No power in the sky above or in the earth below—indeed, nothing in all creation will ever be able to separate us from the love of God that is revealed in Christ Jesus our Lord.”

One thought on “Christ Holds You In The Storm

  1. Such a powerful witness to God’s power and protection and His love for His child. Thank you for sharing and praise Him that you, your home and dear pet were spared any harm. I wonder if those in the building knew that prayers were answered … or thought that the winds just calmed down by themselves!

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